Submitted By: GYSGT LATICIA COON 11/24/2006 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Team Physique Sales, I received both my order and the care package for the other Marines today. Thank You very much!! It was much more than I expected. The guys were all very happy to see the workout pants. It has taken…

Submitted By: MICHELLE STANIFER 11/7/2006 Time: 11/7/2006 9:28:06 AM First Name: Michelle Last Name: Stanifer Email: Mailing List? 1 Subject: Bodyware USA ————— Comments ————— My husband is USCG. I have shared your site with him and I am sure he will pass it along. I will shop no where…

Submitted By: Maj JONATHAN P AUNGER 10/26/2006 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Fran, Got the Order today and handed out the extra shirts you sent to soldiers who workout. Everyone was very grateful. Thanks for the shirts and your support. I will definitely wear my shirt to the gym. V/R MAJ Jonathan P.…

Submitted By: CRAIG JENNINGS 10/24/2006 Just received my first order from you and the quality of the “Biggy Tops” are sweet!!! Was very surprised to see the letter from you to the troops, something like that means a lot to a lot of us. Thank you for your support and…

Submitted By: ABRAHAM OLIVAS 10/6/2006 Hello, I did receive the items you sent, I thank you and the Soldiers thank you, I will distrubute the items to the Soldiers and again thank you from the Soldiers from Iraq. Abe our email back Sir Happy to hear you received your package.…

Submitted By: MAJ Jon Aunger 9/26/2006 Time: 9/26/2006 7:23:52 AM First Name: Jonathan Last Name: Aunger Subject: Thanks! ————— Comments ————— Physique, Thanks for everything you do for the troops. I am hear in Baghdad, Iraq. Can’t say I enjoy it, but support from home helps. A special thanks from…

Submitted By: SSG EATMON 9/5/2006 I love that you could ship to me over in Iraq, and kuwait thank you for all that you do for us… SSG Eatmon

Submitted By: Lcpl Eppler, James M.(USMC) 8/20/2006 Its good to know there are still companies out there that support us, you hear more negative things said about us then good. I truly appreciate what you are doing for us. Sincerely, Lcpl Eppler, James M.(USMC) OUR REPLY BACK Sir Thank you…

Submitted By: SPC CHRISTOPHER RIPKA 8/10/2006 I have never bought or received any products from you, but it truly gives me goose bumps when i hear about companies like yours supporting the troops. I was deployed for 13 months in Afghanistan and i know another one is coming up to…

Submitted By: V/R Mike 6/8/2006 I have read some of the letters on your web site from soldiers, I think what you all are doing is awesome! After 17 1/2 years of service I now realize how very much the families suffer, especially the wives….do not forget them!…they hold down…